Early yesterday I wrote a six page piece that was supposed to be turned into a blog. It was pretty downbeat and went a little like this:
It’s five in the morning (sounds like the opening of Leonard Cohen’s Famous Blue Raincoat – except his time was four) and I can’t sleep. I’m in that place occupied by Tom Waits and Leonard Cohen. Very blue and mournful, the sort of place they sound- tracked with a saxophone on 80’s records.
As I wrote the fog lifted and I cheered-up. So I wrote something on the upswing:
I have two options. Pull on that Famous Blue Raincoat and get mournful and morose; or treat the whole thing as some terrible cosmic joke and think of others not just myself.
I even had time for an epilogue which was going to be today’s blog. Except it’s late and today has become tomorrow. But I only got round to writing down a Tom Waits song title – Christmas Card from a Hooker, and the place mentioned in his song – Euclid Avenue.
Euclid Avenue also happens to be a stop on the New York subway. There’s lots of songs that mention its stations or a particular train. Take the A Train for one, or Downtown Train (the train’s direction) . Downtown Train is as commercial as Tom Waits gets. It was even covered by Rod Stewart. But I like his unadorned de-80’s-ed version.
It’s simple with little complication. A boy a girl, a train going to Brooklyn (before it was gentrified and bastardised by the Beckham’s) and a refrain about every night being the same. Which reminds me of my discarded blog that went like this:
A job gives your life a little light and shade. And it’s neither hot nor cold in the JSA shade; just a constant slow pulsating wet weekend in Camden or wherever you hail from.
Minor irritants such as the temporary loss of benefits (It’s happening to me at the moment); and being sent on another one of those Government job training initiatives; are just part of that slow pulse.
I’m leaving out the observation that such things are supposed to keep a Dole Wallah awake. Because its patently untrue. I tested this scenario out yesterday. At 9am I called the DWP and Housing Benefit Office. At 9.30am I was out the door and heading for Jobcentre Plus. At 10 they gave me an appointment for 2.10pm to sign-on (ok I missed my last one).
I then walked a couple of miles to an external agency we will call The Alan Turing Project – because there real name bears as much relation to its function as something called The Alan Turing Project.
My claim is at Stage 4, which means I have an interview every week in some crummy office miles away. They keep me hanging round and form filling for two hours. I discover their printers don’t work, computers are half broke and water machine is without cups. I also discovered they don’t really do jobs outside the shelf-stacking minimum wage variety. But because the Government initiative dictates they provide a job in eight weeks, motions must be gone through. And all the time a ton of money is being wasted because these people are being paid to do what I already do – search for jobs.
It’s now mid-day – where did that morning go. I’m sitting in the Housing Benefit Office with a number in my hand; then after an hours wait, I’m handing over proof I get JSA, a days pay-slip and a letter from me saying I worked for one day a couple of months ago.
I do this because a gap was created in my JSA that needed accounting for. And while this gap remained unplugged, my Housing Benefit was suspended; because the DWP sent out a mail saying my JSA had stopped. Only it had not stopped, there was just this gap. I’m told my Benefit will resume in three days.
It’s now after 1pm, I have no time to eat; so buy food on the move and head for my 2.10 at Jobcentre Plus. I get seen at 2.10 on the nail and then I’m out on the street, a little light headed with hunger.
Suppose it must have been 3 by the time I eat, at this stage fatigue had set in and I’m dog tired. A full day sorting out the consequences of one day’s work. Getting people back to work is what they are supposed to do, not make the process as difficult as possible and stressful to boot.
I snooze at 5pm, put to sleep by the mindless certainty of bureaucracy. Somebody somewhere is siphoning off a packet from this pantomime; they must be; otherwise it would be one big waste of time and money.
Anyway I digress; back to Tom Waits and his Downtown Train. Click on the image and enjoy the simplicity.
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